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viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009


The scar of war takes a long time to heal. Children without parents, entire families have disappeared, despair, fear...the peace doesn't come. It is disgusting that when we see on television conflicts and violent acts in the world, we prefer to look the other way because we will not ruin his day...This act, as harmless to the eyes of many, that means we are selfish and that we have a long way to go and that peace in humanity is an illusion which is intended, but not demanded.
War is not only with the nations, it's everywhere. At home, the neighbour's house, steets, schools, prisons, the representatives of the nations...
There is no peace if there is world hunger, if there is poverty, if there is injustice whether different or contempt of a different race or different quelities that you consider inferior when there are people who sleep and live on the streets or who can not support their families.
Perhaps it is hard to achieve peace because we have lost the goodwill or because we are not sufficiently aware that we are all equally important and that everyone has the same living conditions and that gender equality isn't for charity but because we have internalized the concept of equity.
Nobody deserves win or live more than another, we all have the same value.

Poem about peace by Jeffrey Liminsag:

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